quinta-feira, março 15, 2007

"Civismo" por David Smith

9 comentários:

bettips disse...

Civism is also to remember the ones who returned it to us. A good idea. You will say the meaning of the cerimony?

Luisa disse...

A inauguração duma estátua é sempre um acto cívico.

Anónimo disse...

To pay homage to someone, who did something great, is indeed an act of civism.
I'm also curious to know what is this ceremony about.
I read in internet, that Lagrasse is one of the most beautiful french villages.

Diafragma disse...

Belo exemplo de civismo.
Estamos todos curiosos em saber o que foi a cerimónia David.

vida de vidro disse...

Homenagear quem teve influência na nossa sociedade, é (quase) sempre um acto de civismo.

Conceição Paulino disse...

remember and respect is one way.

Anónimo disse...

The ceremony was the annual commemoration of 11 November 1918 Armistice. Even a tiny village like Lagrasse lost too many of its sons in that dreadful war.

Conceição Paulino disse...

indeed the best reason. all the wars are dreadful.

bettips disse...

Thank you David, we learn always...but it seens that wars never stop!