quinta-feira, setembro 28, 2006

"Travessia" por Gustaaf

10 comentários:

vida de vidro disse...

Uma longa travessia.:)

Diafragma disse...

"Long and winding road" ...
Could be a cover for the Beatles song.

M. disse...

Gosto da ideia desta travessia.

por um fio disse...

Ah this is the ambitious «crossing» of a long river! The earth is like a telluric painting.
And we feel so little and insignificant facing this «crossing» of Gustaaf...
One can say that this is the biggest manifestation of all the «crossings» here represented!

por um fio disse...

Ah this is the ambitious «crossing» of a long river! The earth is like a telluric painting.
And we feel so little and insignificant facing this «crossing» of Gustaaf...
One can say that this is the biggest manifestation of all the «crossings» here represented!

Anónimo disse...

a mim parece-me uma paisagem recolhida de um avião. Difusa e longinqua.

Conceição Paulino disse...

o rio k atravessa o munso l
a em bx; o avião k atravessa o ar, o lhar k tudo atravessa, a mente viajante imparável.
Luz e qaz

Minda disse...

Crossing around the wold?

artspotter disse...

This picture was made on 19/07/2005 from a plane at 10000 m above Portugal or Spain (I really don't know). It was on a flight back from the Canary Islands. I love this kind of landscape.
We even went over Lisbon, but sorry, no pictures. At the end of october we are going the same way. We'll drop by to say hello. Watch us.

APC disse...

Nice pic, good ideia! ;-)