quinta-feira, novembro 15, 2007

"Caligrafia" por John Price (amigo do David Smith)

"O John é um amigo, marido da Kate que escreveu a peça de teatro Evelina. Sou um dos administradores da Historia Theatre Company que apresentou Evelina. Também sou webmaster do historiatheatre.com. Não acho que preciso da autorisação do John para te propor esta foto pelo fotodicionário."


"John: Manuela runs a delightful website called Palavra Puxa Palavra, and includes in it a weekly photo-dictionary. Each week she circulates a word in Portuguese, inviting people to submit a photograph that defines the word in some way. When a contributor came up with the Portuguese word for calligraphy, I thought of your photo of Sophie as Evelina, with the quill pen."


10 comentários:

bettips disse...

All the picture, the writing feather and what it means, is like an old dream. But incredible natural as the theatre must be.

Belisa disse...

It's beautiful Evelina, with the quill pen.

Anónimo disse...

Linda a fotografia e a actriz! Ao vê-la lembrei-me dos romances da escritora inglesa Jane Austen. O mesmo ambiente e a mesma doçura,

Cerejinha disse...

who's left handed? Sophie or Evelina? ;)

APC disse...

I was going to put that question, Cerejinha. And I do like this pic, David! :-)

Anónimo disse...

The accomplished actress, Sophie Trott, is the 'southpaw'. Luisa will be interested to know that the play is based on a book by Fanny Burney, whose work greatly influenced Jane Austen.

rui disse...

Good idea!

jawaa disse...

Beautiful picture (I love the pen...)!

mena maya disse...

What a lovely picture!

None disse...

Beautifull, like a painting.